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Peeking Over My Shoulder

Miscellaneous quotes from current reads or past faves, as well as to-reads culled from friends' recommendations, blogs, podcasts, etc. A running answer to the question: "What're you reading?"

Currently reading

The Dante Club
Matthew Pearl
The Famished Road
Ben Okri
Kingdom Come
J.G. Ballard
The City and the City
China Miéville
Open City: A Novel
Teju Cole
The Slippage: A Novel
Ben Greenman
Please Step Back
Ben Greenman
Blindness / Seeing
José Saramago, Giovanni Pontiero (Translator), Margaret Jull Costa (Translator)

Anansi Boys

Anansi Boys - Neil Gaiman This story was so much fun to listen to! I am hardly alone in being a fan of Gaiman's singular genius in the fantasy/sci-fi genre, but it bears repeating I suppose.Apparently this story is a continuation of Gaiman's American Gods, which I am now reading and enjoying immensely. While the style is uniquely Gaiman all around, I was surprised to learn that there was a connection between the two stories as they seem so very different also. But then again, I'm only a few chapters into A.G.The thematic elements of families and their neurotic, crazy tendencies (nutty names for the kids like Fat Charlie who really isn't fat, siblings that couldn't be any different from each other and yet..., etc.) are so easy to relate to and so darkly humorous as penned by the man.Also this audiobook was a pure delight with the added element of Lenny Henry, the British comedian extraordinaire. What a voice! And just the right infusion of humor, mischief and gloriously confused wild 'n crazy nuttiness! :D